Monday, March 22, 2010

I dropped my Tamron 180mm Macro Lens!

I went out with my friend to shoot macro at Wild Wild West (end corporation road) yesterday morning. We finished shooting at about 9.45 am. We found and sat at a comfortable bench trying to pack our camera equipment into our bags. I placed my tripod with my camera & lens affixed to it beside me. Out of a sudden, the tripod gave way and dropped to the concrete floor. There was a loud sound and I know the damage is severe. I would be sending it to JEL Corporation at Changi for repair tomorrow. I hope it is still servicable and not as serious as I thought it would be.


  1. I was just told yesterday that they are unable to repair my lens in Singapore. It can only be sent to Japan and it takes about 3-4 wks to repair and to recalibrate it. Estimated repair costs is at S$300 - $450 subject to part replacement. Very expensive if it ended up toward more to $450. Look like I have little choice has it is unlikely that I can get a 2nd hand in that amount. It costs about $1100 for a new lens.

  2. I finally got back my lens last Thursday (28 Apr 10) at a repair cost of $250, much cheaper than was quoted earlier. Tested ok and I was happy that they cleaned up my lens too. It looks brand new now :D
